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    Specialists gather in a top-secret facility to investigate a series of strange deaths on beaches along the Atlantic Ocean. One of the team's scientists (Nana Gouvea) examines video evidence to uncover a possible parasitic explanation for the fatalities. But when a determined detective (Tom Sizemore) sends her the crazed writings of a mysterious homeless man (Jonny Beauchamp), the scientist slowly learns that the actual threat may be more dangerous -- and far older -- than anyone ever imagined. Can she convince her colleagues (led by Eric Roberts) of the true danger before an ancient force rises from the sea to bring madness and death to all of humanity


    • HD沉默之夜杰米·金,Jaime,King,马尔科姆·麦克拉伦,布兰登·费尔,Brendan,Fehr,丽莎·玛丽,唐纳尔·罗格,Andrew,Cecon,Courtney-Jane,White,Erik,J.,Berg,Tom,Anniko,Mike,O'Brien,Curtis,Moore,Adriana,O'Neil,John,B.,Lowe,Ali,Tataryn,Brendan,Fehr
    • HD中字勾魂游戏理查德·本杰明,黛恩·坎农,詹姆斯·柯本,琼·哈克特,詹姆斯·梅森,伊恩·麦柯肖恩,拉蔻儿·薇芝,伊冯·罗曼,Pierre,Rosso,Serge,Citon,Robert,Rossi,Elaine,Geisinger,Elliot,Geisinger,Jack,Pugeat,Maurice,Crosnier
    • HD中字黑蝎理查德·邓宁,玛拉·科黛,卡洛斯·里瓦斯
    • HD中字鬼泣女妖文森特·普莱斯,Essy,Persson,Hilary,Heath,Carl,Rigg,斯蒂芬·蔡斯,Marshall,Jones,Andrew,McCulloch,迈克尔·埃尔菲克,Pamela,Moiseiwitsch,Joyce,Mandre,罗伯特·赫顿,盖伊·迪吉,伊丽莎白·伯格纳,帕特里克·莫夫,Victoria,Fairbrother,Quinn,O'Hara,休·格里夫斯,Sally,Geeson,Godfrey,James,格尔坦·克劳伯,皮特·本森,Nancy,Mec
    • HD仇恨不息John,Bernath,Megan,Davis,Caitlin,Singer
    • HD黎明前死Devon,Bostick

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